Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sometimes the mind wonders.

Have you ever had so much going on in your life that it’s hard to focus? How about so little going on that its hard to stay busy? Sometimes my mind wonders from task to task, wondering what life would be like if the task were already done and getting praised from my peers. Other times I ignore the task completely in favor of something more entertaining. I hate the notion of having a lot of weight on my shoulders because I feel the more I have, the less focused I care to be because the odds are against me. Other times, I have only one task that seems so simple that I let other distractions take me over because I can get to that task later. I wish I had the drive and focus some others do. In my life, I’ve seen the motivational spark in others, but I am motivated towards my entertainment, not my future. This both is bothers me and depresses me merely because I feel the change that needs to happen is so overwhelming I can’t focus. I feel like someone going in circles or better yet, someone who isn’t moving at all. Let’s hope for a better change to set me on a more motivated path.

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